Continuing Aayushi's legacy (Oct 2021): Artwork by Gouri
Shoubhik's Nike-fication of research work
April 2021: Aayushi's final farewell to her work
Final meeting before lock down, 12/04/2021. Left to right: Gouri, Abhilasha, Anand, Khursheed, Rati, Shoubhik, Tushar and Aayushi
Aayushi's artwork
Celebrating New Year 2021: Back: Abhilasha, Aayushi, Khursheed, Rati; Front: Tushar
Student playing Prof and vice-versa. Left to Right: Khursheed, Rati and Aayushi
Summer 2019. From left to right: Rati, Sushmita, Aditi and Shoubhik