Useful Links

Interview with AntWak [or] Data Science expert interview with AntWak: Link

Deep Learning with PyTorch: Link

Machine Learning Summer School MLSS: Link

AutoML Papers upto date: Link


MIT Deep Learning Course: Link

Arxiv papers on Adversarial Examples (by Nicholas Carlini): Link

Now Speak via Brain: Link, Link

Pandas Problem: Link

Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Link

Random Forest in Python: Link

CapsNet: Link Link

FD: Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector: Link

Theories of Deep Learning (STATS 385): Link

Capsule Networks Are Shaking up AI — Here’s How to Use Them: Link

Caffe Installation: 16.04 14.04

Deep Learning Machine from Scratch: Link

Cuda installation: Link , Link2

Deep Learning Explained: Edx Course Link

Tiny Face Detector that detected ~800 faces out of ~1000 from world's largest selfie: Link

tensorflow 1.2 released: Link

would-you-marry-a-robot?: Findout

Accelerating Deep Learning Research with the Tensor2Tensor Library: Link

Nice Explanation of PCA: Link

Essential Cheat Sheets for deep learning and machine learning: Link

Top 20 Recent Research Papers on Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Link

Reinforcement-learning-beginner: Link

Toolkit to review you code : Link

teamviewer on ubuntu: Link

Matlab on ubuntu: Link

Install Matlab (ISO) Ubuntu: Link

lock var solution ubuntu: Link

Keras issue (negative size and input data shape): Link

Pendrive space problem: Link

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