
Instructor: Dr. Akshay Agarwal

Course: EAS 595 (Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence [AI]) Course is over in Spring 2022

Email: aa298@buffalo.edu

Office Hours: Fri 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Lecture Times: MoWe 6:30 PM - 7:50 PM

Class Room: Capen 240

Course Prerequisites: N/A

Course Overview: This course is intended for Engineering graduate students who are interested in understanding the fundamental issues, challenges, and techniques that are associated with recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The course will discuss the history and properties of basic AI systems including neural networks, machine learning, and data science, and how to build a basic machine learning and AI project including data scraping, data processing, etc. We will discuss the challenges of bias, security, privacy, explainability, ethical issues, and the use of context. We will learn about AI’s use in applications such as image processing and computer vision, natural language processing, recommendation systems, and gaming. The course is supported by a primer on the use of Python, to support home works and projects related to machine learning. The course will be a combination of lectures, discussions, activities, and projects that will prepare students without a computer science background to study and apply artificial intelligence tools and applications in a variety of different domains.

Piazza: We will use Piazza to answer questions and post announcements about the course. Class SignUp

UB Learns

Grade Composition: All the quizzes/exams/etc will be close-book, close internet unless specified

    Semester Long Project: 25%

                               Assignments: 20%

                       Mid-term(s)/ Project-1: 20%

                   Final: 20-25%

                     Class Quizzes/Participation: 10-15%

Textbook/Reference Books:

There is no official textbook for the class, but a number of the supporting readings will come from:

Useful Tools:

Course Schedule (each topic will take ≈ 1 − 2 weeks)

Bonus Points

Late Day Policy

Weekly or Bi-Weekly Quizzes - How does it work?

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity is a fundamental university value. No collaboration, cheating, and plagiarism are allowed in projects, quizzes, and exams. Those found violating academic integrity will get an immediate F in the course.

Academic Integrity is a very high priority not only for our Department but the University as a whole. We are glad to provide you with help to ensure you achieve great results during the course, however, we do not tolerate any kind of cheating.

Helpful Resources

We want you to demonstrate your own achievements and showcase your own abilities during the course! From the course instructor's side, we are glad to provide you with all the help needed for you to succeed in the course. Here are some of the free resources provided by the University:

Accessibility Resources

If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or examination accommodation, please inform me early in the semester so that we can coordinate the accommodations you may need. If you have not already done so, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services, 60 Capen Hall, 645-2608, and also the instructor of this course. The office will provide you with information and review appropriate arrangements for accommodations. More details.


The UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences considers the diversity of its students, faculty, and staff to be a strength, critical to our success. We are committed to providing a safe space and a culture of mutual respect and inclusiveness for all. We believe a community of faculty, students, and staff who bring diverse life experiences and perspectives leads to a superior working environment, and we welcome differences in race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, intellectual and physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, and veteran status.


I want to prepare for the course, what can I do?

You can check out the Python resources page and get familiar with Jupyter Notebooks and Python basics.

I am on the waiting list, can you help me to enroll?

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do at this time. I would suggest keeping an eye on the enrollment. Typically some students drop the course right before the drop-date deadline, so if you are on the waiting list, there is a high chance you will get enrolled, so I would strongly suggest visiting the lectures before the enrolment is finalized, even if you are not registered at this time.

What programming language will be used?

We will be using Python (version >3.9) as the programming language for the projects.

Is attendance required?

Attendance is not required but is encouraged. Sometimes we may do in-class exercises or discussions related to quizzes or projects and these are harder to do and benefit from by yourself

I am highly interested in the course, can audit it?

Typically I welcome students interested in the topics to audit the course. Unfortunately, our scheduled room might not be big enough to fill all people interested. You are welcome to drop me an email one week after the class begins, I will give you updates if there is some space available.

Any suggestions or comments?

I would be glad to get feedback from you, just send me an email.