Evaluation Policies

Theory Homework Assignments will be posted, usually on Friday afternoon and the typical deadline for submission will be next Friday, before the lecture. We shall be very strict about the deadline and I shall cater to no requests for deadline extension for problem sets. The problems sets are to be worked on in groups of two. Any discussion across two or more different pairs is strictly prohibited and will be considered as plagiarism. The theory part needs to be submitted either in latex-ed or Word Document format as pdfs. We shall strictly not accept any handwritten submissions.

Late policy : 50% score deduction up to 24 hours after the deadline, zero credit after that. Please do not ask for any consideration. Just start working early and submit on time !

Programming Assignments : To be done individually on FooBar. You know this drill !

Quizzes will be in-class during the live lecture hours. Typically I will announce it one class prior to the quiz date. All quizzes will be MCQ through Google Classroom. We would take the average of best n-1 out of n quizzes in your final score.

Mid-sem and End-sem exams will be time bound and proctored. The students are required to keep their camera turned on during the entire exam. No exception to this will be allowed. In the worst case of connectivity issues, you would be required to provide evidence in the form of poor internet speed and required to appear for a Viva-Voce exam with the instructor.

The exams can be either handwritten or typed. You will receive more detailed instructions before the exams.


This would be done systematically through a Google Form submission after each evaluation.