Algorithm Analysis & Design


Section A : Syamantak Das (<firstname> at iiitd....)

Section B : Diptapriyo Majumdar (<firstname> at iiitd...)

Teaching Fellow

Nupur Ahluwalia (nupur at <the usual>), (OH - )

Material :

There is no fixed textbook for the course.

Additional Text:

[KT] : Algorithm Design, Kleinberg and Tardos

[Jeff]: An excellent and fun text on algorithms by the hilarious and brilliant Jeff Erickson with a lot of interesting exercises

[CLRS]: Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein aka the Bible of Algorithms

[DPV]: Algorithms by Papadimitrou, Dasgupta, and Vazirani


Algorithms are step-by-step procedure to perform computational tasks. In this course, the objective is to enable the students to design algorithms, formally argue their correctness and communicate them.

Evaluation Plan:

1. Exam ( Mid-term and End-term) : 60% (30% Each)

2. Assignments (theory and programming) : 15% + 10%

3. Quizzes : 15%


Mandatory: Must have taken DSA and DM/DS

Desirable: Some knowledge of mathematical proofs

Lecture :

Tuesday, Friday (1:30 - 3 PM)


Section A: Thursday 4:30 - 6 PM.

Section B: Friday 4:30 - 6 PM