Music & Band

Mrs. Bickraj 

"Give Thanks, with a Grateful Heart"     1 Thessalonians 5:18  

2024-2025 School Year

Ashlee L. Bickraj, Director of Music  

 We take pride in our award-winning Music Program at IHM 

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PK-8 Music Program:

Our music program at IHM is an integral component of the IHM educational experience.  IHM students are afforded opportunities to participate and engage in musical experiences and activities in accordance with our Archdiocese of Baltimore curriculum.

Performing Ensembles:

The stakeholders at IHM strongly believe that music plays an important role in the cognitive and emotional development of a child.  Participation in music contributes to a well-rounded and appreciative life-long learner who values the importance of the arts and humanities.

Eaglet Beginner Band:  Open to any student in grades 4-8 wanting to learn to play an instrument for the first time.  Students will learn how to hold the instrument, play the scale, read music notation, understand rhythms, and play beginning songs.  Students in Eaglet Band perform in school and evening concerts.   There is an additional band fee which can be paid monthly through FACTS.  

Eagle Concert Band 5-6:  Open to students with at least 1 year of Band experience or instrumental lessons. Students will continue to develop good playing technique, learn more notes, fingerings, rhythms, dynamics, articulation, and slightly more difficult pieces of music.  Students will perform in school and evening concerts, as well as community events throughout the year.  There is an additional band fee which can be paid monthly through FACTS. 

Eagle Concert Band 7-8:  Open to students with at least 1 year of Band experience or instrumental lessons.  Students will further develop good playing technique, learn more notes,  alternate fingerings, more complex rhythms, dynamics, articulation, phrasing, and more challenging pieces of music.  Students will perform in school and evening concerts, as well as community events throughout the year.  There is an additional band fee which can be paid monthly through FACTS. 

Liturgical Singers:  Open to any student in grades 6-8 who loves to sing.   Students rehearse weekly and sing a variety of sacred songs in school Masses and various events throughout the year. 

School Musicals:  Middle School students are invited to audition and perform in our performances offered through our theatre department.

Additional Band Information:

Instruments offered at IHM:  Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Snare Drum & Bass Drum, Glockenspiel, Keyboard (limited spots), and 4-string Electric Bass Guitar  (not 6-string Electric).  

Instruments can be rented through a local music store or purchased on your own.   If purchasing an instrument, please consider investing in a fairly good-quality student instrument in order to alleviate student struggles and constant repairs.

Band folders, sheet music, fingering charts, and scale sheets will be provided.

All band members must purchase a folding music stand (any color) to use during rehearsals and performances.  The music stand folds up and comes in a small carry-bag, approx. $10-20 dollars.

Additional supplies:  reeds, cork grease, valve oil, sticks, etc. will be purchased by the family, as needed. 

Band rehearsals are held once a week for 30 minutes during the school day (using a rotating schedule) and concert performances will be posted on the school calendar.  Schedules and additional information will be distributed at the beginning of the year.  Since Band is considered a "team" activity where everyone participates, students are expected to continue the commitment for the entire year.    Playing an instrument is a fun and rewarding experience that can be enjoyed throughout life.   

We encourage you to JOIN OUR BAND!   Questions?   Please email: 

We love music at IHM and we look forward to having you join our musical team!!   

The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.      

- Johann Sebastian Bach