Algunos alumnos de 2º Bachillerato han creado esta app relacionada con el proyecto. Han estado asesorados por el profesor Manuel Cardona.

¡Gracias a Manuel y a sus alumnos por este fantástico trabajo!

Sigue las instrucciones para instalar la app.

Do you know Europe? (Our Erasmus App)


The purpose of these instructions is to guide you on how to install some mobile apps, developed by Rodrigo Caro's students for the Erasmus project.

Typically, apps are downloaded and installed from Google Play, but you can also install apps on your mobile device by downloading an .apk file.

IMPORTANT: For security reasons you should not do it, unless you rely on the provider of the .apk.


Apps developed

The characteristics of these apps are:

- Title: Do you know Europe?

- Date: May 2021

- Developed by: Rodrigo Caro's students.

- Tool used to develope: AppInventor (, tool provided by MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

- Tested in Android, several versions.

- About. It includes a few questions. In the end, you will get your score. There are several apps with different questions.

- Next version. Appearance improvement + will be translated into English.

Steps to install an app

Using your mobile, follow these steps.

1. Download

Click below (to access the link, double click on it)::

Here you can find several .apk files. Click on one of them to download on your mobile.

2. Installation (probably this screen will be shown automatically on your mobile)

A message similar to this will appear:

For your security, your phone is not allowed to install unknown apps from this source.

As said in the introduction, this is to prevent the installation of malware into your mobile. If you rely on us, follow these steps by pressing "Settings" (or a similar option).

3. Install unknown apps

Allow from this source -> Yes

4. Back to the previous screen.

5. Continue the installation

Further messages asking for permission to unblock the installation may appear, to prevent your mobile from malware. Proceed selecting the "Install" option.

6. Enjoy!!