Move your body,

 "green" your mind!

Project Summary

As European schools we consider the need that education has the duty to promote equality, collaboration, cooperation and creativity to achieve unity and joy in the classroom and in all school activities. 

In our days, where there is a growing need for the development of physical activity in a sustainable environment throughout Europe, it is important that students, teachers and parents acquire knowledge and understanding both in cultural diversity, as well as respect and protection of our environment, emphasizing the enjoyment of our environment through physical activity and taking into account the food resources that our natural and sustainable resources offer us as a source of healthy wealth. 

This knowledge enables them to appreciate other cultures, natural spaces, break down prejudices, promote Europe as a multicultural society and as an enrichment for all. Europe has always been a crossroads where countries, landscapes, cultures meet and move forward creating new horizons for the new European citizens. 

Our response as European Schools is to offer our community the possibility of cooperating, working and learning about different natural environments and the importance that physical activity and traditional games has for the full development of all skills in our students. In addition to promoting the need for the use of good eating habits offered by our sustainable environments.

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