
The programme's aim

BRIT Aragón model ​​must respond to the training needs of students with the aim of promoting and developing the necessary communicative competence in foreign languages ​​to reach the B2 competence level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) at the end of 4ºESO.

Students will be able to certify B1 level by means of the official exams set by the School of Languages of Aragón.

Here you can find the B1 exam's specifications:


Our teaching hallmarks

The methodology used in the classroom must consider the Integrated Learning of Contents and Foreign Languages ​​(CLIL). Therefore:

  1. We use the foreign language as a means to learn the contents of the subjects that belong to the Bilingual Itinerary.

  1. The subjects chosen by the high school to develop the Bilingual Itinerary will determine the type of structure, grammar, expressions and vocabulary that need to be learned in order to enhance our students' communicative competence.

  1. We promote the creation and use of curricular materials in English for each of the subjects.

  1. We foster the use of ICT's and active methodologies.

  1. We attend to diversity as multiple intelligences are found in our bilingual groups.

  1. Teachers keep up to date. Together with the help of the high school's COFO, we do different courses related to bilingualism in order to improve our teaching skills and enlarge our knowedge about innovative and active methodologies.

Another useful institution that provides teachers with the necessary training is CARLEE ARAGÓN: