1. Scientific activity

International System units (SI)

The SI base units are standard units of measurement in the International System of Units (SI) for seven base quantities. All other SI units are derived from this simple set of seven units.

Scientific notation (standard form)

Watch this video to learn about scientific notation

The Scientific method

Watch this video to learn the steps of the Scientific method

2. Matter systems

The states of matter and the particle model: solid, liquid and gas

The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. The particle model represents particles by small, solid spheres. It describes the arrangement, movement and energy of particles in a substance. The model can be used to explain the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases. 




3. The atom

Just how big is the atom?

Watch this video as an introduction to this topic. How much do you actually know about the atom? What particles could you find inside? And where?

The atom

An atom has a central nucleus. This is surrounded by electrons arranged in shells. The nucleus is tiny compared to the atom as a whole. The nuclei of all atoms contain subatomic particles called protons. The nuclei of most atoms also contain neutrons.

4. The Periodic Table

5. Chemical reactions