Collecting ideas

Module 2, inspiring ideas

Module 2 aims to stablish new links between school and community members  

 ACTIVITY 1 (AC1). Brainstorming.Where do you want ot learn and why? Students will discuss and exchange ideas about their dreamed classroom/school.

ACTIVITY 2 (AC2). What do we want?. Students will create a collaborative survey to share with school communities about school needs. Results will be shared with the school community and analyzed by project members as well as taken into account all along the project.

ACTIVITY 3 (AC3). The importance of colors, furnitures and spaces. Students will create an infographic about the importance of these elements in architecture.

DEADLINE: MARCH 23Tools: mentimeter, google workspace

AC1 Brainstorming

Think about your dreamed school. How it would be? Full of colors? No walls?

Express yourself here!

AC2 Give your say!

Let's create a survey. We are going to try to ask our collegues about their dreamed school. Try to think about interesting questions with the objetive of collecting interesting ideas.

CLICK HERE! and follow the instructions


AC3 The importance of colors, furnitures and spaces 

Thinking about architecture

Colors and furnitures are extremely important in arquitecture as well as space. Colors for example affects our mood.

So, let's try to discover how colors, furnitures and spaces should be manage in architecture.



Thinking about!

Students created these amazing posters related with the influence of color and spaces in architecture.

Previosly, they brainstormed a little bit imagining their future class! Students enjoyed a lot discovering how colors, forms and spaces can influence the way that they learn.