MODULE 1 Welcoming partners


Module 1, welcoming partners

Module 1 aims to introduce partner schools while presenting the project to school communities. We will carry out the follow activities:

ACTIVITY 1 (AC1). Hello! Partners introduce the project at schools and inform school community members: families, staff, students.

ACTIVITY 2 (AC2). Who you are?. Students introduce themselves and meet their colleges and their schools. International mixed teams for working all long the project will be created with teachers' support.

ACTIVITY 3 (AC3). e-safety and ICT tools. Virtual wall creation with netiquette and "ICT tool box" creation.

DEADLINE: 30 NOVEMBER 2022 Tools: jamboard, wakelet, google workspace

AC1 Here we are!

Module 1 aims to introduce the project at schools as well as to introduce project members while working esafety.

This is how we are going to introduce the project at schools:

-Creating a poster with basic data about the project which help us to present the SchoolHaus in a little event with students/school communities.

-Informing families via parental permission (letter, email...)

-Informing school staff via plenary meetings or formal/informal events.

This information will be compilate in this document (click to edit), our cover presentation photobook.

Hello! M1

AC2 Meeting partners

Who you are?

Students will introduce themselves and their schools with a little message in this virtual wall. Each student will provide the following information:

-Name, country, age, hobbies and skills (researching, drawing, good at English...) and one positive thing/aspect about their school (this information could be supported by original photos).

-Students will give a like to their favourite profile.

Suggestion: they can add an avatar for introducing themselves

Personal information (email, mobile phone number, social media accounts...) are not allowed!

Thanks for your collaboration!

e-Safety and ICT tools

Discovering resources

Students will carried out two activites with the objective of analyzing Etwinning Code of conduct and raising media literacy awareness.

Virtual wall

Students will participate in this virtual wall.

Click here to participate in!

After, vote your favourite rule here!

ICT tool box _ SchoolHaus project

ICT tool box

Let's create an ICT tool box!

Students will create this virtual tool box with useful links to webpages of tutorials, vocabulary or free images websites. Open this document and participate in!

Don't forget to insert your name and country!