
De cabeza con las Lenguas

IES Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza


School Bilingual staff

 Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza 23-24

This is the experience of our super assistant teacher Libby, from the USA (23-24)

Video de Javier


Having studied Spanish before arriving, I spoke a good level of the language before I arrived, but I think my Spanish has improved massively across this year. Whether you know Spanish or not, you will get on very well. The teachers in school have good levels of English, especially Javier (the bilingual coordinator). Nevertheless, I would really recommend speaking as much Spanish as you can when not in the classroom to maximise your time here.

While in Spain, I really recommend travelling around Andalucía, as it has some fantastic cities and natural spaces. While in Andújar, you can also take advantage of local festivities, above all the Romería, which is a pilgrimage to a mountain sanctuary. It was a fantastic time, if a bit mental.

You’re bound to have a great time this year, and if you have any questions about anything Javi can give you my phone number or my email. Don’t be afraid to drop me a message.

Tips and advice:

My experience of the auxiliar program in Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza Andujar

Hi! I’m Ben, one of the English language auxes from 2022-2023. I’m from Southend in England, but this year was my year abroad for my degree which I study in Durham. I study History and Spanish, and to study a language you have to spend a year abroad. I must say, I’ve had the best experience, and would definitely do it again if I didn’t have to go back to university.

Javier is fantastic, very helpful, just a great bloke. He’s extremely helpful and really cares about the auxes. He’s always on top of admin stuff and will ensure that you get paid ASAP. The bilingual teachers you will work with are great as well. You will be in their classes (which can be any subject, but taught in English), and probably you will make presentations, kahoots and more for them. Classes in Andalucía are definitely more rowdy than England, but the kids are really nice, and don’t worry about giving them classes. They may be intimidating at first, but you’ll be fine, especially with the bilingual teacher there.

There will undoubtedly be other auxes in Andújar, possibly in your school. This is great as a support network and for looking for flatmates to live with. I actually lived in Jaén, the capital of the province (an hour away by bus). The commute is very doable, but it would have definitely been nicer to live a walkable distance from the school.

Premios buenas prácticas bilingües 2022-2023: FINALISTAS

bases premios buenas prácticas

 Rocío Armenteros

 4º ESO 

Rap en inglés Día internacional de la Mujer (minuto 2,35)

Buenas prácticas armenteros

Valeria Mena y Victoria Cruz 4ºESO

Vídeo en inglés por el Día de las Lenguas Europeas 

Video DEL valeria mena y victoria cruz

Candela Lara y Laura Teruel


Animal Kingdom

Trabajo sobre Amphibians

Antropodos (29 may 2023, 20:00).MOV

Román López, Paola Expósito y Ricardo Cano


Animal Kingdom

Presentación en inglés Anthropodous

Disney buenas prácticas bilingües


Lucía Sánchez Luque

Reseña en inglés sobre Disney:

 "Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo"


Candela Lara y Laura Teruel


Animal Kingdom

Trabajo sobre Amphibians

Antropodos (29 may 2023, 20:00).MOV

Román López, Paola Expósito y Ricardo Cano


Animal Kingdom

Presentación en inglés Anthropodous

Disney buenas prácticas bilingües


Lucía Sánchez Luque

Reseña en inglés sobre Disney:

 "Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo"

Information sheet for Language Assistants

information sheet for the assistant teacher

Rúbrica de las 5 Cs para evaluar las destrezas orales en 

Rúbrica presentaciones bilingüismo.docx