Volume 9, Issue 2


Volume 9, Issue 2, Formation

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Research Articles

Comparison Among Fern, Amnisure, Creatinine and Urea Tests in Vaginal Wash for Detection of Rupture of Membrane in Iraqi Women


Prelabour rupture of membrane (PROM) is a cause for 85% of the neonatal period morbidities and fatalities. PROM is the main cause of preterm deliveries and accounts for 30-40% of these cases, indeed it complicates three percent of all pregnancies. The fetal and maternal mortality and morbidity risks of PROM, increases when the rupture occurs early in the course of pregnancy. In this study we sought to compare the detection efficiency of the standard diagnostic test of PROM with other new methods such as urea and Creatinine of vaginal fluid and Amnisure tests. The study sample is composed of 90 women divided into three groups; each woman had informed consent, questionnaire with full history, clinical examination (general and abdominal and sterile speculum examination to detect cervical dilatation, amniotic fluid leakage for sample collection to do Fern, Amnisure, Creatinine and urea tests. General investigations and ultrasound were done for each patient. Mean vaginal fluid Creatinine level among the group (1) were 0.44±0.14, versus 0.38±0.12, and 0.24±0.08 among group (2) and (3) respectively. When the results of the tests compared with the standard method of diagnosis, the specificity was 100% for Amnisure, vaginal fluid Creatinine and urea, while it was 80% for fern test. The sensitivity was 97% for Amnisure, 95% for vaginal fluid urea, 91% for vaginal fluid Creatinine and 60% for fern test. Amnisure is superior for other tests followed by vaginal fluid urea level, Creatinine and lastly Fern test.

Intrauterine Infusion of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Affects the Endometrial Thickness, Epidermal Growth Factor and Pregnancy Outcome in Patients Undergoing IUI


Despite developments in assisted reproductive technology, there is immaterial progress in the implantation and pregnancy rates. Intrauterine infusion (IUIF) of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) might renew implantation rates through its paracrine properties by progression cytokines and growth factors which favor implantation. Here we determine whether the IUIF of autologous PRP had a role in pregnancy outcome through its outcome on epidermal growth factor and endometrial thickness. An overall of 43 patients where prospectively randomly dispersed into two groups subjected to a superovulation program using Letrozole® tablet orally 2.5 mg twice daily 12 hours apart from day 2 for 5 days for one cycle. 20 women were considered as control receiving the conventional intrauterine insemination (IUI) management while 23 of them were given PRP by IUIF on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin injection. The IUI was done for both groups 36-48 hours after confirming ovulation. The blood samples were collected from both groups on the day of IUI for the valuation of epidermal growth factor and an ultrasound was done on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin injection and day of IUI for assessment of endometrial thickness. The mean endometrial thickness in the PRP group at the day of IUI was significantly thicker than that of the control group and the difference in percentage change of endometrial thickness between PRP group and controls significantly higher in PRP group. The mean epidermal growth factor and the pregnancy rate were significantly superior in the PRP group than that of controls. In conclusion, autologous PRP IUIF was well-tolerated and resulted in a significant expansion in endometrial thickness, epidermal growth factor Level and, subsequent pregnancy rate in an infertile woman undergoing IUI.

Effects of Vaginal Misoprostol after Intrauterine Insemination IUI


Intrauterine insemination has an important role in the treatment of infertile couples. Usage of vaginal misoprostol therapy at the time of intrauterine insemination has been investigated, and its tolerability and effects on clinical pregnancy rates still questionable. To assess the effectiveness of vaginal misoprostol on some demographic characteristics and hormones level with a success rate of Intrauterine Insemination. the period of collection of patients extended from Sep. 2018 until May 2019. Eighty one infertile couples who attended Al Nahrain University, High Institute for Diagnostic Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, and private fertility clinics were enrolled through this study. Divided into two groups, the next group received 100 µg vaginal misoprostol immediately after completion of the IUI procedure, while the control group was subjected to ordinary IUI procedure without adjunctive therapy. The mean of demographic data of body mass index, age, and duration of infertility was statistically insignificant in control, Misoprostol post intrauterine insemination. The percentage of pregnancy rate in the control group 5.0% and it 19.5% in the Misoprostol post-intrauterine insemination group. Moreover, there are significant differences in pregnancy rates among all study groups. According to this study, there is no significant result of pregnancy occurrences correlated with, female age, male age, and body mass index, duration of infertility or type of infertility, hormone levels. Misoprostol use after intrauterine insemination has a positive impact on pregnancy outcome in the control group 5.0% and it 19.5% in Misoprostol post intrauterine insemination group. Smaller doses (100 µg) of misoprostol can decrease side effects without affecting the outcome.

Infections Among Women Suffered from Spontaneous Miscarriage Compared with Normal Delivery Women


Spontaneous miscarriage is the spontaneous ending from a pregnancy at a phase where the embryo is incapable of remaining independently, generally defined in humans at prior to 20 weeks from gestation. Overall, reported spontaneous miscarriage rates in recognized pregnancies are 10% to 20%. Pregnant women are exposed to many infectious agents that are potentially harmful to the fetus and an increased risk of miscarriage. The aims of the study were to evaluate the role of many pathogens (Parvovirus B19, Cytomegalovirus, Rubella, and Toxoplasma gondii), and urinary tract infections (UTI) as causes of spontaneous miscarriage. A case-control study conducted in Baghdad Teaching hospital during a period of ten months. A total of 120 women aged between (20 to 25) years were enrolled within the study, 80 with spontaneous miscarriage as a study group and 40 with normal delivery as a control group. A full history was taken, clinical examination was done and various laboratory investigations were carried out for all women in both groups. The study showed a statistically significant correlation between viral infection, Parvovirus (IgM, IgG), Toxoplasmosis (IgM), Rubella (IgM) and Cytomegalovirus (IgM, IgG), with spontaneous miscarriage (P-value 0.001, 0.005, 0.008, 0.014, 0.002). Bacterial, viral and protozoal infection may increase the risk of spontaneous miscarriage in comparison to healthy normal delivery ladies.

Evaluation of the Level of Stem Cell Factor in Follicular Fluid and its Effect on Oocyte Maturity, Embryo Quality and Pregnancy Rate


Stem cell factor (SCF) is one of the first growth factors derived from granulosa cells in the ovarian follicle plays a critical role in hematopoiesis and the generation of melanocytes and germ cells. SCF also serves an important role in the development of the interstitial cells of Cajal in the intestine and the learning functions in the hippocampal region of the brain. This study aimed to investigate the levels of SCF in follicular fluid (FF) and if it can be used as a potential marker for predicting oocyte, embryo quality, and pregnancy rate. A total of 44 infertile couples involved in the study. All of them underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for the ICSI cycle. Antagonist protocol was used as an ovulation induction protocol. Patients were divided into two groups according to ICSI outcomes as pregnant (23 women) and non pregnant (21 women) groups. A comparison was done in both groups based on the oocyte, embryo quality, and other ICSI cycle characteristics, and follicular fluid stem cell factor level. SCF level was measured by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Our study showed lack of association between patients' characteristics which included (age, BMI, infertility duration, type of infertility, and causes of infertility, basal hormonal, stimulation characteristics levels), FF SCF level and the oocyte characteristics comparison (total number retrieved oocyte, germinal vesicle oocyte (GV), MI oocyte and MII oocytes, and the number of injected oocytes, fertilization rate, and embryo characteristics) between pregnant and non-pregnant groups. The present study showed that Mean follicular fluid SCF was significantly lower in pregnant women in comparison with that of non-pregnant women, 135.92±38.96 pg/ml versus 185.15±63.58 pg/ml, respectively (P=0.003). Raised SCF level in FF harms ICSI outcome.

Using Uterine Biophysical Profile as a Predictor of Endometrial Receptivity and Pregnancy in Stimulated IUI Cycles


Implantation failure and disorders of endometrial receptivity represent an essential cause of infertility; multiple parameters were needed to predict the uterine receptivity understanding that no sole parameter could predict the same. A score was termed as (Uterine Biophysical Profile) could be utilized as a predictor of endometrial receptivity. To evaluate the predictive potential of Uterine biophysical profile of both endometrial receptivity and pregnancy outcome in infertile women undergoing Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). The current cross-sectional study was conducted in the High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Al Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq from the 1st of Oct. 2018 till 1st of May 2019 involving seventy women of infertile couples with the same inclusion and exclusion criteria. Uterine biophysical profile was evaluated using a doppler ultrasound examination and then a score was calculated and correlated to pregnancy outcome. The mean Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index (UAPI) was significantly lower in women with positive pregnancy in comparison to women with negative pregnancy, 2.10±0.19 versus 2.47±0.65, respectively (P=0.032). Moreover, no women with Pulsatility Index (PI) score (0) succeeded to get pregnant and the higher the score, the higher the rate of pregnancy (P=0.006). Furthermore, Spearman correlation showed significant positive correlation between positive pregnancy outcome and UAPI (r=0.365; P=0.002). The mean total score was significantly higher for pregnant women than in women with negative pregnancy, 18.27±1.33 versus 16.35±2.47, respectively (P=0.005). The cutoff value was >17 with an acceptable accuracy level of 74.2. The sensitivity of that cutoff vale was 80 % and the specificity was 65.5%. Uterine artery pulsatility index and total uterine biophysical score are the principal predictors of positive pregnancy outcomes in infertile women undergoing IUI.

Effect of Endometrial Scratch on Heparin Binding Epidermal Growth Factor Level in Women Undergoing Intrauterine Insemination


Despite many improvements in Assisted reproductive techniques during the last three decades, clinical pregnancy and live-birth rates still nearly 30–40% and 20–30%, respectively. To enhance endometrial receptivity many attempts done one of the endometrial scratching could provoke delay in endometrial maturation reforms asynchrony between endometrium and the concepts and indeed induce wound healing by producing a considerable raise in the local secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors like Heparin Binding Epidermal Growth Factor (HBEGF) and its receptors has role in mediate the receptivity, maturation, and decidualization of endometrium and facilitates the implantation and development of both placenta and embryo. All women were undergone IUI procedure. They divided into two groups. Intervention group who did endometrial scratching by using pipelle catheter in luteal phase of preceding cycle and another blood sample aspirated before scratch. Control group include women without intervention of endometrial scratch. Both groups underwent controlled ovarian stimulation, triggering of ovulation and another blood sample was aspirated at day of IUI to measure level of HBEGF. 14 days later with luteal support, BHCG test underwent in blood to check pregnancy. Higher pregnancy rate among patients with scratch group (5/20) 25% than non-interventional group (3/25)12%. These result showed that HBEGF level in scratch group (386.1±124.7) is significantly higher than control group (279±189.3) as P-value was (0.035). Moreover, the HBEGF level at day of IUI (455.67±157.34) and in pregnant (563.9±163.66) is significantly higher than before scratch in scratch group (279.0±124.67), (406.26±138.89), as P-values were (0.00007, 0.049) respectively. Intentional local damage to the endometrium is a cost–effective procedure can be used to enhance the uterine receptivity that may help to overcome implantation failure problem.

The Effect of Oxidative Stress on Oocyte Characteristics and Pregnancy Outcome in a Sample of Iraqi Infertile Women Undergoing ICSI


Oxidative stress in the field of reproduction has been extensively considered in association with sperm properties and male infertility; in any case, the effect of oxidative stress in association with oocyte trademark got less thought than that of sperms. The goal of the study is to understand the possible association among serum and follicular oxidative markers in infertile women and oocyte characteristics and pregnancy result in ICSI cycles. The present case-control study included 57 infertile women undergoing ICSI that was done in the High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies at Al Nahrain University. The assessment started in April 2018 and connected with March 2019. Mean metaphase II oocyte count of all women was 5.70±3.87, that of pregnant women was 6.90±3.68 and that of non-pregnant women was 4.46±3.73; there was a basic qualification in mean metaphase II oocyte check among pregnant and non-pregnant women (P = 0.016); being higher in pregnant women. The mean abnormal oocyte count of all women was 0.63±1.26, that of pregnant women was 0.28±0.45 and that of non-pregnant women was 1.00±1.68. Oxidative stress markers inside and out affected clinical pregnancy result (P < 0.05) and appear to impact clinical pregnancy bring about women undergoing ICSI due to its effect of oocyte characteristics.

All Issue 2 Completed


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