
Homework Policy

Take-Home Folders

Red Take-Home folders are sent home every day with your child's homework and behavior page. It might also have special notes from me, information from the office, updates on school or community events and functions, and completed class work. Please check your child’s take-home folder every day to ensure the proper papers stay home and return to school.

Homework Packets

I will send home a homework packet every Friday with your child. They have until the following Friday to complete all of the pages in the packet. Students may turn their packets in early if they finish before the Friday due date.

Weekly Behavior Homework Sheet

Communication Page

This Weekly Communication page goes home every day from school in your child's take-home folder. It is my way of telling you how your child's day went, including their behavior, effort in class, and if their homework is completed.

Please look at this paper every night, and sign in the "Signature" box. Your signature tells me you have seen my notes about your child's day, and that you understand how they are doing in class.

Monday through Thursday, students earn a happy face in the Homework column if they got a signature the night before. On Friday, a happy face is earned for turning in their completed homework.