
 President- Ruka Y.

Hello, I'm Ruka, an 8th grader at Dewitt. It is my third year participating in TSA, this being my second year holding an officer position. 

 President- Jamie P.

Hello, I'm Jamie and im in 8th grade. This is my third year at TSA. This year I am THe presedent, but last year I was the reporter. I'm a big space nerd, so if you are too I would like to nerd out with you.

Vice President- Fiona B.

Treasurer- Griffin G R.

Treasurer- Imri W.

My favorite food is potatoes.

Secretary- Audrey B

I'm Audrey and I'm a 7th grader. This is my second year in TSA. I play the double bass & clarinet in school, and have been playing both since I was 8. I went to Dallas, TX last year for TSA.

Reporter- Jonah M

Sergeant At Arms - Jeffrey Z

I'm Jeffrey and I'm a 7th grader. This is my second year in TSA. I really like french fries, but I don't like the really pale ones that are mostly soggy. Egg cat is my pet, as my parents wouldn't get a real cat. I play piano, and I'm interested in cooking, although I am not really good at it. Mr. Case slightly despises me and Mr. Buchner likes me as a student I hope. I am waiting for the day I graduate from High school, as Mr. Case promised he would hug me, but he always breaks his promises so I'm not very sure. Henry always bugs me, and everyone thinks I am an alien, who is actually a furry, as everyone in TSA calls me "Jeff-Furry". I like golden brown and crispy thick steak fries, but thin cut ones I prefer really fluffy and slightly pale. I have a sister who is also in TSA, but its the HIghschool Edition. I do enjoy water flavoring, mostly the MIO brand, but the cherry energy one tastes a little weird and the lemonade tastes too lemon. I eat salt in my free time, and this dude in school sends me memes 24/7. I am always tired and I really think that tape is worse then glue. I am a clusterduck enthusiast, who finds joy in sacrificing ducks. Used to play YuGiOh but got out of it as no one would play with me. I do enjoy studying war, but only the online youtube documentaries, and not really the magazines, but books are ok. I always fail to return the library books on time. I am currently reading the trio of the Laurie Halse Anderson books, Forge, Chains and Ashes, but that will be subjected to change. I still suck at CAD, so don't ask me to help sorry. I constantly pester Mr. Case, and I usually visit Mr. Buchner during lunch if he is there. I take German right now, because French didn't sound appealing, and I already know Mandarin. Me and Henry Schneider drew the Spring Offensive of 1918, and the Belgian invasion on massive whiteboards in German Class, and It's still there for everyone to see. Just started plaing Magic The Gathering, but I feel like it's just a discount type of Yugioh, but it's pretty fun.

Other Members

Henry or something