task and resources


Hi guys!

Next week we are celebrating the Code Week, an important European event!

For the event, we are creating a "Book report" in VR (Virtual reality).

After reading and studying "The Happy Prince", we are describing our favourite books in a new and -I hope- exciting way ;)

Ready for a new adventure?

Here we go!

You can find a series of attached files below.

Follow the instructions carefully, and ... digital creativity!!!!!

  1. Let's create groups

  2. Let's choose a book

  3. Let's watch the tutorial (starting from 17')

  4. Let's produce the book report on Cospaces Edu

  5. Let's integrate an ebook created with Book Creator

You will find in your Classroom two codes:

  • code for Cospaces

  • code for Book Creator library

Ready, steady, go!



For the book report

My digital product