
Spiritual Manipulation in Pseudo-Christian Cults: A Panel.   Doug Duncan, MS, LPC; Wendy Duncan, MA, LBSW; Molly Koshatka.

Ken Garrett is a contributor to Wounded Faith: Understanding and Healing from Spiritual Abuse. He is also the founder of the Spiritual Abuse Forum for Education Meetups in Portland, Oregon (SAFE). Ken shares his story about his experience with an abusive church.  If you are interested in attending a SAFE Meetup, you can check out: 

Two conference videos: (1) Post-Cult Spirituality: Toxic Vs. Healthy. Doug Duncan, Wendy J. Duncan. (2) MeadowHaven: A Treatment Approach for Long-term Trauma Survivors. Rev. Robert Pardon.

Born or Raised in Cultic Groups.  Lorna Goldberg, PsyA, MSW; Leona Furnari, MSW.

Interview on Spiritual Abuse. Rev. Dr. Neil Damgaard interviews Rev. Robert Pardon, Executive Director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR) and MeadowHaven.  

The Drama Triangle and the Power & Control Wheel Walk Into a Church. Kathryn Keller, PhD.

Panel: All Life is Suffering - Cultic Tendencies and Student Abuse in Buddhism. Christopher Hamacher (moderator); Stuart Lachs; Tenzin Peljor.

Cults of Bible Misunderstanding: Basic Principles of Ancient Literature Interpretation. Ron Burks, PhD.

How the Current Crisis may be Triggering Spiritual Abuse Survivors. Dylesia Barner, LCSW.

We Started as a Church, and Ended up as a Cult.  Ken Garrett.

Traumatic Narcissism: The Psychology of Cult Leaders. Daniel Shaw, MSW.

Reawakening Your Spirituality After a Cult Experience.  Doug and Wendy Duncan. 

Spiritual Abuse, the Dallas Conference, and COVID-19.  Drs. Cyndi Matthews and Kathyrn Keller.

Spiritual Practices During Uncertain Times; Spiritual Abuse and Transgender Individuals.  Moderator: Ashlen Hilliard, Mark Wingfield , Dr. Cyndi Matthews.

Purity Culture as a Form of Sexual Abuse.  Alice Greczyn. 

Regaining Your Footing: First Steps of Recovery from Spiritual Abuse.  Ken Garrett.

Luncheon Talk: Paul Martin Memorial Lecture.  Rod Dubrow-Marshall, PhD.