2018-11-16  Stephen Parson's Blog

16 November 2018

Rev. Stephen Parson's "Surviving Church" began in 2013 as a support blog for those who were trying to leave fundamentalist/cultic Christian bodies.   Since then it has evolved into a forum for discussion and commentary for all victims of harmful power dynamics in the Church.  Obviously it has special reference to the British scene.  The Church of England, of which Stephen Parsons is an ordained but retired member, has been recently scrutinized by an outside government inquiry (IICSA) for its handling of child sexual abuse by members of the church.  Stephen has found himself commenting extensively on these issues and he has been observing how power abuse in the church is not confined to one theological section of the church.   His increasing access to 'restricted' information in these areas has helped to give his blog an informed perspective.  He suspects that some senior churchmen in England are following his commentary on church power abuse in all its variety.
