The first coordinators' meeting in Cave (Italy) -
October 27-28-29, 2021

Our first meeting on the project named “Living History in European cities” lasted from October 27, 2021 until October 29, 2021. And the main goal of the meeting was primarly to determine the basic elements of the project.

It took place in "I.C. "Via Matteotti,11" of Cave (RM), Italy. There we had decided the dates of the mobilities and the enrichment of the LTT activities.

The schedule accorded is the following:

  • 13th - 18th March 2022 - Mobility to Rio Maior (Portugal)

  • 16th - 20th May 2022 - Devrek (Turkey)

  • 1st term 2022-23 - Sicily (Italy)

  • March 2023 - Ejea de los Caballeros (Spain)

  • May 2023 - Cave (Italy)

27 /10/2021

Partners receive a warm welcome at Cremona's hotel in Genazzano (Rome).


Students, teachers and the headmistress of Cave welcome the partners at the school with music and a good refreshment.


Partners visit the town of Cave.


Partners visit Naples and Pompei.

Castel dell'Ovo (The Egg Castle).

The Great Theatre (excavations of Pompei).

The excavations of Pompei.

Picture in front of the volcano "Vesuvius"

Piazza del Plebiscito (Plebiscito Square).

Caffé "Gambrinus" (Naples).

The Great Theatre (excavations of Pompei).