Field Trips

An integral part of the RHS STEM Academy is getting students out of the classroom and into the community to experience the STEM subjects in real-world applications.  

Below are examples of field trips that have been taken by students this year. (Each title is an active link to pictures from the trips.)

The 9th and 10th grade cohorts toured the museum and looked for the Golden Ratio in art.  This was a great STEAM lesson that allowed for students to apply mathematics to art.

The 9th and 10th grade cohorts visited the facility and had the opportunity to learn more about aviation.  Students toured an assembly line to learn more about the design and manufacturing process for aircraft.  Students also took part in interactive simulations of flying aircraft.

The 10th grade cohort visited USA to learn more about careers in engineering.  Students learned about the many different fields of engineering and participated in hands-on learning demonstrations.  Students also had the opportunity to tour the campus.

The 9th grade cohort worked within STEM classes to design exhibits for new animals to the zoo.  The students had the opportunity to tour the zoo and present their designs to members of the zoo staff.

The 9th grade cohort visited Dauphin Island Sea Lab to learn more about underwater robotics.  Students built underwater robots and  participated in robotics challenges.

HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology

The 11th grade cohort visits HudsonAlpha each year to learn more about current genetics research. Students also engage in an exciting lab that tests their own genetic information to see if they carry a certain gene using the field's latest techniques and devices such as PCR and gel electrophoresis. 

U.S. Space & Rocket Center

The 11th grade cohort visited the Space Center to learn more about the field of aerospace. Students are given the opportunity to walk around the center and ask questions to resident scientists about the varying careers in the field of aerospace engieneering.