
E-Cyber Mission


1st Place Winner: James Grose and Aiden O'Brian, Chris Mennicucci

  • The team's goal was to create more affordable and stronger fiber optic cables to make internet more accessible and affordable in rural communities.

2nd Place Winner: Sophia Lowell, Jessica Welch, Lincey Phillips, Zofia Smith

  • The team's goal was help the global pollution issue by working towards finding ways to reduce population created in schools.

3rd Place Winner: JP Steele, Emmarose Garner, Eli Lynn

  • The team's goal was to spread awareness to parents about social media and internet content that is available to kids.


NASA Techrise Website for information on the competition.

  • A group of our 10th Grade STEM students submitted a proposal to NASA to create a pollution detector weather balloon. The students researched how to build their balloon and get their measurements with a budget of $1500. The proposal is attached.

NASA TechRise Proposal

Sea Perch

  • A group of our current 9th grade students traveled to Biloxi Natatorium to compete is the Regional Sea Perch competition. The students were required to build an underwater robot, test it, and use the robot to compete different challenges. Our team was the Challenge Course Winner!

From left to right: Gavin Patterson, Tinley Marie, Luisel Falcon, Ariah Ard.

Genes in Space

  • The current 9th grade cohort will take what they learn about genes in Biology and compete in this challenge. Information about completed projects and competition will be posted once completed: During the challenge, students worked with a scientist from Hudson Alpha, Jerry Jenkins. Students presented their proposals to Mr. Jenkins via Skype for feedback before submitting their projects for competition.