Student nominations

Once your IAESTE committee receives student nominations for your offers, they can share them with you over the Platform. When the student nomination is shared, you will receive an email notification.

Where can I find student nominations?

  • You can see nomination on the dashboard right after you login or you can click on Nominations on the panel.
  • You can open the nominations and review student's data and his documents.

How can I accept a student?

  • Open the nomination of the student you want to accept and go to the tab Acceptance.
  • Confirm the dates of the internship. You can also adjust the dates little bit, if it's needed. If you want to change the dates significantly, please get in touch with your IAESTE committee.
  • Click on Accept student.

How to reject a student?

  • Open the nomination of the student you want to reject and go to the tab Rejection.
  • Please choose a reason for rejection and provide an explanation, so the student understands why they didn't fir your reqquirements and so the the IAESTE committee knows what to watch out for with any next candidate.
  • Click on Reject Student.