Internship offer

How to create an offer?

Note: Make sure you have all the information about the process of an IAESTE internship from your IAESTE committee. If not, please get in touch with your IAESTE committee as soon as possible.

  • Once you are verified by your IAESTE committee, you can start creating internship offers.

  • Just click on New offer and a form will appear.

  • Please fill all neccessary information. Some information will be already prefilled from your profile.

  • Try to provide as much information about the provided internship as possible so the student will have an idea of what they can expect and IAESTE committee has better idea of what kind of a student you require. Offers which include more information usually appear more attractive to the students.

  • After you filled in all neccessary fields, you can click on Add Offer. If you are not sure about some of the requirements, click on Save Draft and conitnue with the offer later.

  • After that the offer has to be verified by your IAESTE committee. If your IAESTE committe has any doubts, they will ask you for revisions. You will get an email notification in such case.

  • After your IAESTE committee verifies the offer, they will publish it and you can wait for student applications.

How to cancel an offer?

Each IAESTE committee might have a different cancellation policy, so make sure you are informed.

  • If you are not able to accept a student anymore, you can cancel the offer.

  • Just open the offer and click on Cancel offer.

  • Make sure to provide reason for cancellation and try to explain the situation.

  • Don't forget to submit the cancellation form.