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What can you do?

There are many things you can do. Whether it be sharing this website, or talking about the situation. You can do anything to help our cause.

The Hidden Truth

Millions of people around the world gathered together to rally about the life-threatening conditions of desperate workers in developing countries. This pressurized the government and many respectable companies to investigate their factories. In countries like Bangladesh, most factories fail to keep up with their requirements. They often lack safety measures, causing frequent accidents. A CBS story investigated a factory in Bangladesh. They discovered that there were no safety measures and they never practiced evacuations. All of the workers needed to work in congested hallways. They interviewed the overseer, and he claimed that he ensured that all of their workers were above the age of 18, however, when families were interviewed, this all proved to be wrong. One worker said that she was 16 and had to lie about her age. Since then, the factory had been shut down. This has brought a bit of light into the situation. Similar situations happen all over the world. And our goal is to change that.

Keeping you updated

This section will be about new stories being published. Keep yourself up-to-date on the events of the world.

You can make a difference!

Your actions can make a difference. Actions Brings Results. Do what you can to support the workers.