everything comes at a cost...


Actions Brings Results

Who are we?

We are the Worker Awareness Foundation. Our goal is to spread awareness of the terrible conditions of the poverty-stricken workers of developing countries. Our job is not just to spread awareness, but to help those who live in dilapidated conditions. We work in over 150 different countries to help the ones in need.

They're just like us...

Working conditions are different all around the world. Workers in developed countries usually live a lavish lifestyle. They live in a nice house, regularly get to eat, and get their full 8 hours of sleep. However, no one pays attention to the poor workers in developing countries. They have to sacrifice their rights to work in unofficial and bootleg factories, to be mistreated by their overseers.

Play A Part

You can spread knowledge about the worsening conditions of workers in developing countries. Play a Part to try and make a difference in the way these people are treated. Find out more in Play A Part.