International Workshop on

Exploration of Atomistic Disorder in

Long-Range Ordered systems

and of Order in Disordered Materials

September 19th (Mon.) - 21st (Wed.), 2022

IMAG building

located on the Saint Martin d’Hères campus of University Grenoble


The conference site can be reach by tram B from the railway station (Stop Gare) or downtown area (Stop Victor Hugo or Hubert Dubedout). Take tram B in the direction Gières/Plaine des sports. Be careful there is also a tram A on the same stops.

You must buy your ticket before entering the tram. There are vending machines (with credit card) at all tram station. The ticket is valid for one hour and must be ‘electronically’ stamped on the blue machines before entering the tram.

Go off the tram at the station Gabriel Fauré. It is then 5 minutes walk to the conference site.

The total travel time to reach the conference site is about 30 mn

The conference site is located at Bâtiment IMAG, 700 avenue Centrale Domaine Universitaire - 38401 St Martin d’Hères.

The conference will take place in the auditorium, located on the ground floor (straight from the entrance and then right).

Link to the web map:

In case of emergency call: +33-7 60 29 80 20

Map around IMAG building

Social Dinner Place

Restaurant l’Epicurien, 1 Place aux Herbes, Grenoble

Web site: