International Workshop on

Exploration of Atomistic Disorder in

Long-Range Ordered Systems

and of Order in Disordered Materials

September 19th (Mon.) - 21st (Wed.), 2022


In recent advances in material design, the information about disorder and defects in crystals , such as dopants, dislocations, distortion, chemical disorder, plays a key role for further improving their functionality. This concept can be sloganized as “disorder in order”. In the same manner, the converse i.e., “order in disorder” is also important. For example, it has recently become clear that the orders of the network structures in glass materials are related to their functionality, for example, mechanical and optical properties.

In this workshop, the following topics will be discussed.

1. Synthesis of functional materials using “order/in disorder” or “disorder in order” concept.

2. Characterization methods for such materials.

3. Theoretical investigations for such materials.

4. Other related topics.

Throughout the workshop, progress of international collaboration concerning to the topics is expected. Participation of young scientists are encouraged.

Type of workshop: Hybrid (Face to face and on-line (ZOOM meeting)

Date: September 19-21, 2022.

Site: IMAG building

located on the Saint Martin d’Hères campus of University Grenoble, France

Important dates

Call for paper: 10 June- 31 July (Oral presentation only, Maximu slot ~ 15)

Dead line of registration: 31 July (face to face participants)

31 August -> 9th September (On-line participants, Maximum 100 -> 300 persons)

Provisional Program: 20 August - > 24th August

Contact: (Please replace (at) into @)

 General: secretary(at)

Local: guillaume.beutier(at),

Sponsored by national project of “Hyper-Ordered Structures Science (Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A))”, the International Research Network Aperiodic, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, and SIMaP