Education Features

Special Education 

The school has an undifferentiated class and a special education class to serve special-needs students under our zero-rejection policy. Teachers and parents maintain frequent communication to ensure that their child received the most suitable education. We strive to continuously improve in the field of special education and offer every student the best possible learning environment, which besides expert teaching means a warm, caring, and inclusive atmosphere for the children to learn and grow in.

Arts and Humanities Education 

Our school has an arts center, where events are held (such as parenting days, graduation ceremonies) as well as art exhibitions of works from teachers and students, and the annual school concert where students show their talents and achievements. We are proud of our high-caliber team of art teachers who are the driving force behind the art events and artistic culture on our campus. We also have an orchestra and choir for the musically inclined students. They also give performances, another characteristic of our school.