School History

Original of School’s Name 

Xin (integrity) and yi (justice) are a pair of traditional virtues of our country, which often occur together in names. The six teaching buildings on our campus are named after the remaining six virtues revered in Taiwan, to conserve the ancient, living Confucian morality. They are part of our holistic education concept which aims to build a better world.


Back in 1978, our school was just a branch of another school to help absorb a sudden surge in student numbers at three nearby schools; we mainly served students living behind the railway station. Immediately after the foundation of the school and before the building had been completed, we temporarily used the facilities of a nearby school. The current campus environment, every shrub and every tree, has been planted and tended by our teachers. In 1982 we received permission to become an independent school, to the delight of teachers and students alike, who took this as a new beginning.