
T3AAS - tip tail trajectory aware air signatures

Air signature dataset T3AAS-v1 was recorded at the author’s institute following all necessary ethical rules and permissions. English signatures from 45 volunteers were collected via the given setup in figure. For each signer, 25 signatures were collected in one session. Corresponding 12 skilled forgeries per signer were also developed. Each forger was allowed to practice the signature for as long as they were required to produce the forgery. Each forger imitated the 12 signatures of 5 signers each day. The genuine signatures shown to each forger are chosen randomly from the 25 genuine ones. For each signer among 25 genuine signatures, 16 was used for training, 4 for validation, and the rest for testing.

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Multi-Angle Sclera Dataset (MASD)

The dataset consists of 2624 RGB images taken from 82 identities. The images were collected from both the eyes of each individual so 164 different eyes were available. Here for each individual image, four multi-angles (looking straight, left, right and up) are considered and for each angle 4 images are considered. The individuals are comprised of both male and females with different skin complexions, and a few of them were wearing contact lens and images were taken at different times of the day. The database contains images with blinking eyes, closed eyes and blurred eye images. High-resolution images are provided in the database (300 dpi resolution and 7500 x 5000 dimensions). All the images are in JPEG format. A NIKON D 800 camera and 28300 lenses were used for image capturing. Manually annotated segmentation mask of the sclera, iris and the periocular region is available.

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