picnic and start of school
Post date: Aug 17, 2018 10:57:46 PM
We are glade that we will see you very soon, our school will start on 8/19/2018. Our teachers are busy prepare books and teaching material; of cause, our volunteer will prepare some fun activities for you too. There are a few things that I’d like to communicate with you:
1, Mason Hua Xia Chinese School Start on Sunday 8/19/2018, Location same as before: Mason High School Z-pod. Address: 6100 S Mason Montgomery Rd, Mason, OH 45040.
2. School Wide Picnic on Saturday 8/18/2018, 11am-3pm, address: 4601 State Route 42, Mason, OH 45040. You can come for registration, meet teachers face to face, play with classmate, and enjoy some Barbecue.
3, New class books is ready for pickup at picnic or first day of school at classroom. Please bring a check to your teacher. 马立平 --$50, 暨南课本--$10,PreK--$10, 普通班K--$5(要特别提醒只收支票)
4, Our teachers will have a school preparation meeting on 8/12/2018 in order to ensure smooth school start. Our School Board and Council will meet and discuss school operation affair.
5, In light of recent events nationwide, Mason School are making every effort to keep our buildings and the students safe. Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, HXCS will have a dedicated Onsite Manager during our school hours, there duty include: Patrol hallways and stairwells, Monitor any unauthorized behavior at school.
6, Parent meeting will be hold on first day of school 8/19 at 2:30pm in school office, Welcome parent attend to get to know our school Operation Plan, Financial Status, Parent on Duty and Volunteer Opportunities. We encourage all parent to participate and help our school operation.
Looking forward seeing you all soon.
Lixin (Steven )Feng
Principal of HXCS