El alfabeto

El alfabeto español

The Spanish alphabet is similar to the English alphabet, however we have an additional letter "Ñ ñ" that is the symbol of the Castilian language- la "ñ" de España y español.

What do we NEED to know?

We need to know the NAMES of the letters

Spanish vowel sounds never change: A E I O U

Most of the letters don't change sounds, some do

What is GOOD to know?

Words in Spanish usually follow a consonant-vowel pattern

K and W are not typically found in words that come from Latin

CH- LL and rr were "removed" from the alphabet, however we teach them to help students with reading and pronunciation

Here are some resources that will help you with the alphabet


Basho and Friends

Sing, Dance, Laugh and Eat Tacos- Barbra MacAurthur