
Resources for your student

Online dictionaries

Word Reference- shows words in context with examples.

SpanishDict- Online dictionary with grammar topics, word of the day, and articles about the Spanish language

Helpful resources

Don Quijote- A business website for a Spanish language program, however their language and culture pages are helpful!

Tontito Frito- a young Spanish teacher with really cool t-shirts. He has a variety of very helpful videos on topics that are helpful throughout middle school Spanish!

Tío Spanish- He is a talking cartoon thumb... great practice to hear authentic, peninsular Spanish

Practice websites

Conjuguemos- Discreet practice of singular vocabulary terms. When practiced nightly, conjuguemos improves typing skills and moves our vocabulary into our long term memory. Conjuguemos drills spelling and writing.

Quizlet- Quizlet offers students 7 different activities to practice at home- many modalities! There is also the option to hear the letters said in Spanish! Quizlet is available as an app. Students can create their own flashcard set to study for school

Wordplay- Wordplay helps students recognize spoken language and works to incorporate more visuals than translations.