
Notice About Athletics:

HWRHS Spring Sports Update
4/21/20 - 6:00 PM

Today’s news from Governor Baker was tough to hear. At the same time, he is correct; everyone’s health and safety are paramount.

We anticipate that the MIAA will be announcing their next steps and plans in the coming days.

We want to share a message of support to our dedicated student-athletes, coaches, and families not only in Hamilton-Wenham but around the Cape Ann League and across the State.

We are so proud of our Seniors. We know that they have poured their hearts and souls into their athletic programs and the school community. The news of the extended closure, although predicted, is hard news to hear. We are proud of our athletes and are confident that they will continue to make their families and communities proud for years to come.


- HW Athletic Department

Supporting our Student-Athletes:

Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) has put together some resources to support Student-Athlete during this time of uncertainty:

Sideline USA also published this great article with great advice for Student-Athletes, particularly for our Seniors.

Enrichment Opportunities:

The National Federation for High Schools (NFHS) is highlighting some course content for student-athletes that would like to focus some energy in these topics: