Welcome to Ysgol Caer Elen!

We have aimed to prepare a useful resource which will give you access to all of the information that you require about the school. Our vision at Caer Elen is to ensure that every pupil and every member of staff are given opportunities to thrive. We recognize that we all have a responsibility to contribute to the process of creating a school that is a successful learning organization. We are focused on innovation and excellence in all aspects of our daily work with the aim of helping our pupils to fulfil their potential. We make every effort to ensure that the school is a happy and inclusive community and our ethos is based on the values ​​of kindness, fairness, responsibility, respect and perseverance. Please browse the website for an overview of what we can offer.

Meet the Headteacher

Our Pupils

Why Choose Ysgol Caer Elen?

Our School for the 21st Century


Follow the link below to access the Ysgol Caer Elen transition pack. You will have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the school; meet the Staff and learn about the Areas of Learning and Experience. In addition, you can discover more regarding the range of school activities and receive advice and guidance regarding transitioning from Primary to Secondary School.

Our Priorities

Our Innovative Curriculum

A Commitment to Learning Excellence

Our Caring and Supportive Ethos

Areas of Learning and Experience

Language, Communication and Literacy

Mathematics and Numeracy

Science and Technology

Health & Well-being


Expressive Arts

Lifelong Skills



Digital Competency

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can my child transfer to Ysgol Caer Elen if he/she is currently being educated through the medium of English?

We have a dedicated Language Centre at the school which enables pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 who decide to join us from English medium schools to be immersed in the Welsh language. Since the school opened in 2018 over a hundred children have successfully transferred from English-medium to Welsh-medium education at Caer Elen. At the Language Centre the children receive expert help and support from a specialist language teacher in order to help them to develop the oral, reading and writing skills needed to gain access to the whole Curriculum.

  • Will my child be disadvantaged because he/she comes from a non-Welsh speaking home?

We take pride in the fact that the majority of pupils attending Ysgol Caer Elen come from non-Welsh speaking homes. We are committed to ensure that pupils at the school are competent and thrive in both languages. If any pupil requires additional support in terms of developing their literacy skills in English or Welsh then we have dedicated intervention programs carefully tailored to each child’s learning needs. We also have resources that provide information and guidance regarding how parents can help their children at home. Our aim is to prepare our pupils to be bilingual citizens who are equally confident in their use of both Welsh and English.

  • What will the school do to support my child during the transition from Year 6 into Year 7?

Moving from Year 6 to Year 7 is a very exciting time but we recognize that it also has its challenges. At Ysgol Caer Elen we have a focused transition plan designed to ensure that every pupil making the transition feels completely confident and happy when moving from Year 6 to Year 7. We will ensure that every pupil who decides to join us at Caer Elen has the opportunity to visit the campus, to meet their teachers and other members of staff, to get to know their fellow pupils and to get a taste of the curriculum and the lessons. We are committed to ensure that their first day in Year 7 is a positive and happy experience.

  • What help is available to support my child’s well-being?

At Ysgol Caer Elen we place great emphasis on supporting the wellbeing of all our pupils. We realise that a happy child is a happy learner. We have a wide range of processes and activities that are specifically designed to help pupils cope with the challenges associated with adolescence. We embrace and celebrate the fact that we are all different – it is our responsibility therefore to support the emotional needs of all pupils. The well-being team at the school includes the Senior Leadership Team which includes an Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Wellbeing across the school, a Head of Progress and Wellbeing for each year group, a Form Teacher, an ALNCO, a School Counsellor, a Youth Worker, Learning Support Assistants, Peer Mentors and a School Nurse.

  • Does the school provide pupils with opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs?

Certainly one of the strengths of the school is that we offer such a broad range of extra-curricular clubs and activities. We recognize that extra-curricular clubs and activities are vitally important in providing opportunities for pupils to develop important life skills. These activities also enable pupils to socialize with their peers and to use their Welsh speaking skills outside the classroom environment. Health and Well-being clubs are available first thing in the morning, at break and lunch and after school. Whatever your sporting interests there is a club for everyone. We also have a 5x60 Club, ‘Clonc’ Club, Reading Club, Digital Club, Minecraft Club, Science Club, Cookery Club, STEM Club and Humanities Club. We participate in the annual Shakespeare for Schools Festival and compete at the Urdd Eisteddfod and in local and national music competitions. When the regulations regarding Covid 19 permit we will provide pupils with opportunities to participate in a wide range of enrichment opportunities in a local, national and international context.