Welcome to MCS sixth form

'VIRTUAL OPEN EVENING WEBSITE' useful if you missed the 

 In person Sixth Form Open Evening
Thursday 18th January 2024, 5-7pm

Welcome to Monmouth Comprehensive School 

Croeso i Ysgol Gyfun Trefynwy

Welcome to Monmouth Comprehensive School, and to our Sixth Form. We have a strong and well-deserved reputation as one of the very best Sixth Forms in the region. Our students are able to choose from a wide range of qualifications, details of which you can discover in this prospectus. Our tutors, teachers and Learning Coaches also support you every step of the way, from our induction programme at the start of your courses to university applications and other pathways.

Exam outcomes for our Sixth Form students are exceptional. Our results routinely place us in the top 10% of Sixth Forms in the country, and our students go on to a wide range of wonderful opportunities, such as Oxford, Cambridge, Dartmouth USA and other first-class universities, as well as other high quality pathways such as technical qualifications and vocational work-based opportunities.

We are firmly committed to developing the whole student at MCS. Beyond the classroom, Sixth Form students participate in a rich and varied extended curricular programme, including sport, music and the performing arts as well as organisations such as World Challenge and Duke of Edinburgh Award. This programme further enables each to explore their own interests, develop their character and maximise their own unique talents.

Our pastoral care is second to none. We have a dedicated team of Sixth Form tutors who work with our wellbeing team to ensure every student is well known and is supported to become not only successful but also a happy and confident adult. We also have a wonderful modern learning environment that provides you with excellent facilities.

Students have a strong sense of pride in being a member of the MCS community. Opportunities such as being a Prefect or mentoring younger students are fantastic ways to develop leadership skills. Sixth Form students leave us after two years of study ready to make a positive contribution to the wider world as future leaders in their own fields.

We provide an environment in which you will be both happy and successful. We are a school community that believes in working hard and being kind.

After you have watched the talks from senior staff and current Sixth Form students, please enjoy exploring our exceptional curriculum offer through the subject pages on this microsite. 

Welcome to our school. We hope you will join us.

Hugo Hutchison


Why choose to study at monmouth comprehensive school?

The Sixth Form at Monmouth Comprehensive School is a stimulating and purposeful environment where all students are challenged to achieve their full potential. From the team building Induction Day at the start through to Results Day at the end, each student follows his or her personal pathway to success and fulfilment.

The curriculum is structured to allow for clear progression with accreditation and considerable personal choice and flexibility. Success at this level depends on effort, motivation and self-discipline. The development of independent study skills is vital to success. Students have study periods and will need the maturity to use these wisely. Students are supported in developing these skills through the Key Stage 5 Integrated Curriculum.

At Monmouth Comprehensive School, all students are supported in learning to lead their lives. In our Sixth Form, realistic and appropriate course choice at the outset is seen as vital to maximising success. Each student's requirements are assessed individually; progress through the Sixth Form is carefully monitored and reported to parents termly.  Partnership with parents is given the highest priority. 

A comprehensive programme of tutorial interviews and guidance events exist to assist and support students as they proceed to University, training or the workplace. Personal development and high quality advice and guidance are of major importance to the School, as are complementary activities to broaden students' educational experience.


Deputy Headteacher 

Mrs caroline guest

Director of Sixth Form Studies 

Student Leadership Team 2023 2024

Monmouth Comprehensive School

Headteacher: Mr Hugo Hutchison

Old Dixton Road


NP25 3YT

Tel: 01600 775177 

Email: monmouthcomprehensive@monmouth.schoolsedu.org.uk

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