Pwy ydy pwy?
Who's Who?
Mrs Einir Lois Jones
Dirprwy Bennaeth Deputy Headteacher
Miss Bethan Ellis
Pennaeth Cynorthwyol
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Katie Roberts
Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator
Miss Danielle Catherall
Cydlynydd Cynnydd CA3
KS3 Progress
Mr Aled Hughes
Cydlynydd Cynnydd CA4
KS4 Progress
Miss Grace McKeown
Mentor Dysgu
Learning Mentor
Mae'r Hwb Dysgu ac Addysgu yn ganolfan sy'n cefnogi profiadau dysgu disgyblion ac sy'n darparu cyfleoedd iddynt feithrin, magu ac atgyfnerthu sgiliau i'w helpu i wneud y gorau o'u haddysg.
Yn ogystal â hynny, trefnwn adnoddau a chyrsiau i'ch helpu chi, fel rhieni/gofalwyr, i gefnogi eich plant yn ystod eu taith ddysgu. Gobeithiwn yn fawr y cewch fudd ohonynt.
Cofiwch! Mae croeso mawr i chi gysylltu gyda ni os hoffech chi weld adnoddau pellach ar y wefan hon! Ebostiwch:
The Teaching and Learning Hub supports our pupils' existing learning experiences and provides our learners with opportunities to foster and consolidate the skills needed to make the most of their education.
In addition, we organise resources and courses which we hope will help you, as parents/carers, to support your children's education during their teenage years.
Please remember that you are very welcome to contact us should you want us to provide a specific service, or if you want us to source a particular resource. Please email: