Gwanwyn 2024

Darllen / Reading

Cofiwch bod angen darllen am ychydig bob nos.  Darllenwch Gymraeg a Saesneg am yn ail. Isod mae awgrymiadau o lyfrau addas i chi ddarllen. Mae 3 lefel her - Aur, Arian, Efydd. Beth am fynd am dro i'r llyfrgell leol i fenthyg y llyfrau?

Remember that you need to read a little every night.  Please alternate between Welsh and English books. Below are some suitable book suggestions for you to read. There are 3 challenge levels - Gold, Silver, Bronze. What about going to the local library to borrow the books?

Llyfrau Darllen Blwyddyn 6

Cofiwch i ymarfer eich targedau sillafu a darllen ar Nessy. 

Remember to practise your spelling and reading targets on Nessy.

Sillafu / Spelling

Dyma batrymau sillafu Cymraeg a Saesneg am yr hanner tymor. 

Here are the Welsh and English spelling patterns for this term.  

Ymarfer Dyddiol Mathemateg Mathematics Daily Practice

A wnewch chi ymarfer tablau 7, 8 a 9  os gwelwch yn dda?  Cofiwch eich bod hefyd yn gallu chwarae SUMdog adref.

Hit the Button

Will you practise the 7, 8 and 9  times tables please?  Remember you can also play some Sumdog at home.

Hit the Button
