Gwaith Cartref Blwyddyn 2  Home Work

Yn ystod yr hanner tymor hwn bydd angen i chi gwblhau y gwaith cartref yma i gyd.  Cewch ddewis os ydych am wneud y fersiwn aur (her) neu arian ac ym mha drefn rydych am gwblhau’r tasgau. 

Unwaith i chi orffen tasg, unai ebostiwch e at yr athrawon (trwy eich cyfrif HWB) neu dewch ag ef i’r ysgol.  Bydd angen cwblhau pob tasg erbyn diwedd yr hanner tymor. 

These are the home work tasks for the coming half term.  The children can choose which task they complete first and to which level (aur / gold: challenge, arian / silver: expected level), but by the end of the half term all tasks need to be completed.  

Once they have completed a task, wither email it to your teacher (with your HWB accounts) or bring it into school.

e-bost / email: