Gwaith Cartref Ysgol Pencae Home Work

Bydd yr athrawon yn ychwanegu pob tasg gwaith cartref i'r platfform hwn. Ar ddechrau pob hanner tymor, bydd yna gasgliad o weithgareddau sydd yn cael eu cysylltu gyda'r thema yn cael eu hychwanegu a byddwch chi yn gallu dewis a dethol pa weithgareddau byddwch chi yn eu cwblhau yn gyntaf. Gofynnwn i chi anelu i gwblhau y tasgau erbyn diwedd yr hanner tymor. Mae croeso i chi unai ddanfon y gwaith yn electronig trwy e-bost yr athrawon (o gyfrif HWB y disgyblion os gwelwch yn dda) neu ar bapur i'r ysgol.

Mae nifer o ddolenni defnyddiol wedi eu hychwanegu ar y dudalen HELP LLAW.

The teachers will be uploading all the home work tasks to this platform. At the beginning of every half term all the tasks will be added to the class' page, these tasks are linked to the class work and the context for learning. The children can choose which task they complete first and to which level (aur / gold: challenge, arian / silver: expected level), but by the end of the half term all tasks need to be completed. Once they have completed a task, they can either send their work to the teachers electronically (through their Hwb accounts) or they can bring their work into school.

We have included numerous helpful links to the page HELP LLAW (Helping Hand).