Blwyddyn 6 / Year 6

Cofiwch y gallwch chi e-bostio eich gwaith ata' i -

Cysylltwch os oes unrhyw gwestiwn gyda chi am y gwaith.

Remember you can e-mail your work to me -

Please contact me if you have any questions about the work.

Diolch, Mr Bridson.

Gwybodaeth i rieni.pdf
Strategaethau sillafu.pdf


Sillafu / Spelling:

#MewnMunud: Faint o weithiau gallwch chi ysgrifennu'r geiriau hyn yn gywir mewn munud?

#JustaMinute: How many times can you write these words correctly in a minute?

gwahaniaeth / penderfynu / diogelwch

Mathemateg / Maths:


  1. 455 x 4 / 2. 465 x 3 / 3. 1000-450 / 4. 5 x 10 / 5. 0.6 x 100 / 6. 175 + 465


  1. 6.4 x 10 / 2. 0.5 x 100 / 3. 24 x 53 / 4. 41 x 64 / 5. 817 + 654 / 6. 7106-2453

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch Y Cliciadur - Rhifyn 14.

Tasg: Ysgrifennwch dair ffaith am y llyfr.

Read 'Y Cliciadur' - Number 14.

Task: Write three facts about the book.


Sillafu / Spelling:


Faint o eiriau gallwch chi eu gwneud mas o'r geiriau isod?


How many words can you make out of the words below?

climate / different / environment

e.g. beautiful - bet / bit / leaf / fit etc.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Datrys hafaliadau:

Gwyliwch y fideo isod ar y linc i BBC Bitesize ac yna defnyddiwch y gweithred gwrthdro i ddarganfod gwerth y yn y cwestiynau canlynol:

Solving equations:

Watch the video below on the link to BBC Bitesize and then use inverse operations to discover the value of y in the questions below:

1)7 x y = 42

2) y x 6 = 54

3) 3 x y = 24

4) y x 4 = 36

5) 8 x y = 56

Darllen / Reading:

Read the article below about life after the fires in Australia. Write a summary of the article in less than 50 words.

Her / Extension:

Datrys hafaliadau 2 gam / Solving 2-step equations:

1) 5x + 4 = 34

2) 2x + 3 = 27

3) 3x + 2 = 20

4) 6x + 9 = 51

5) 4x + 3 = 31

Datrys hafaliadau 2 gam


#Ysgrifennu mewn enfys

Gallwch chi ysgrifennu'r geiriau hyn saith gwaith yr un, yn lliwiau'r enfys?

#Rainbow writing

Can you write these words seven times each, in the colours of the rainbow?

amgylchedd / munud /

symud / y ddaear

Mathemateg / Maths:

1) 16 x 14 =

2) 17 x 15 =

3) 22 x 18 =

4) 25 x 23 =

5) 36 x 27 =

6) 43 x 34 =

Her / Extension:

1) 135 x 14 =

2) 295 x 34 =

3) 328 x 42 =

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch y broliant (blurb) ar y llyfr isod ac atebwch y cwestiynau arno.

Read the blurb on the book below and answer the questions on it.

Ymunwch gyda 'Flipgrid' blwyddyn 6. / Join year 6's 'Flipgrid':

Cod y dosbarth: blwyddyn6ygc

Cofiwch ymuno trwy'r opsiwn 'Join with Google'.

The class code: blwyddyn6ygc

Remember to join through the 'Join with Google' option.


Sillafu / Spelling:

Read the fact sheet about the hedgehog and read the information on the website.

Create a bank of 12 words you come across that are hard to spell and practise spelling them three times each e.g.

hedgehog / hedgehog / hedgehog

endangered / endangered / endangered /

hibernate / hibernate / hibernate

Mathemateg / Maths:

Rhannu byr / Short division:

1) 8792 ÷ 7 =

2) 9180 ÷ 6 =

3) 11562 ÷ 3 =

4) 32835 ÷ 5 =

5) 28480 ÷ 4 =

Rhannu hir / Long division:

1) 288 ÷ 12 =

2) 420 ÷ 12 =

3) 540 ÷ 15 =

4) 602 ÷ 14 =

Darllen / Reading:

Read the information on the website below and read the fact sheet about hedgehogs.

  1. Write 5 facts you learn.

  2. How can we help the hedgehog this autumn?


Sillafu / Spelling:


Ymchwiliwch mewn i enwau organau'r corff yn Gymraeg. Ysgrifennwch bob organ dair gwaith, yn eich llaw ysgrifen orau e.e. y galon / y galon / y galon.


Research into the name of the body's organs in Welsh. Write the name of every organ three times, in your best handwriting e.g. y galon / y galon / y galon.

Mathemateg / Maths:


1) 5 x 10 = / 2) 0.6 x 10 =

3) 7.9 x 10 = / 4) 2.64 x 10 =

5) 5.07 x 10 =


1) 6 x 100 = / 2) 0.9 x 100 =

3) 5.4 x 100 = / 4) 4.57 x 100 =

5) 12.05 x 100 =


1) 8 x 1000 = / 2) 0.5 x 1000 =

3) 12 x 1000 = / 4) 3.6 x 1000 =

5) 3.04 x 1000 =

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch yr wybodaeth am y galon ar yr wefan isod.

Ysgrifennwch dair ffaith am y galon, yn Saesneg.

Read the information about the heart on the website below.

Write three facts about the heart, in English.

Her / Extension:

1) 0.54 x ____ = 54 / 2) 100 x ____ = 49 / 3) 1.5 x ____ = 150 / 4) ____ x 10 = 2 / 5) 0.34 x _____ = 340

Gwaith Cartref dros hanner tymor /

Homework over half term