

Sillafu / Spelling:

Sillafu mewn enfys / Rainbow writing:

Ysgrifennwch y geiriau isod allan saith gwaith, unwaith ym mhob lliw yn yr enfys.

Write the following words seven times, once in each colour of the rainbow.

oherwydd / mynd / gallu / dweud / ailgylchu / rhyddhau

Mathemateg / Maths:

Lluosi byr / Short multiplication:

  1. 41 x 3=

  2. 65 x 5=

  3. 156 x 4=

  4. 93 x 6=

  5. 123 x 7=

  6. 74 x 6=

Darllen / Reading:

National Tree Week:

In our art lessons this week we have been looking at trees to celebrate National Tree Week.

Read the article to find out interesting facts about trees.

Answer the following questions. Remember to answer in full sentences:

  1. How many different species of trees are there in the world?

  2. What is the name of the special fungi which allows trees to 'talk' to each other?

  3. How many trees are there on earth?

  4. How many trees are cut down each year in order to clear land for agriculture?

  5. What species is the oldest tree in the UK?

Nadolig 2021 Christmas:

Mae dwy gân gyda chi i'w dysgu eleni. Cofiwch eu hymarfer adre' hefyd!

There are two songs you need to learn this year. Remember to practise them at home too!

Nadolig 2021 - Waldo Williams

Mwynhewch y penwythnos! / Enjoy the weekend!