
Sillafu / Spelling

Sgribliad Sillafu - Tynnwch lun o gwch camlas yn eich llyfrau ac ysgrifennwch y geiriau isod y tu fewn i'r llun.

Spellamoodle - Draw a picture of a canal boat and write the words as many times as possible inside the picture.






Mathemateg / Mathematics

Rhannu - Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Cofiwch i ddefnyddio'r dull 'gorsaf bws' pan fod angen.

Division - Choose the most appropriate challenge for you. Remember to use the 'bus stop' method when needed.

Heriau Rhannu Syml 2 12.10.2021.pptx

Diwrnod Shwmae 2021 / Shwmae Day 2021

Mae Diwrnod Shwmae yn digwydd ym mis Hydref bob blwyddyn ac yn gyfle gwych i gael hwyl yn defnyddio’r iaith Gymraeg ym mhobman.

Fel tasg gwaith cartref, ewch ati i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg gydag aelodau eich teulu. Beth am ddysgu ychydig o dermau newydd i’ch rhieni neu eich ffrindiau? Mae ychydig o enghreifftiau isod i’ch helpu. Rhannwch eich gwaith gyda ni ar Twitter neu drwy Seesaw.

Shwmae Day is an annual event that takes place in October. It's an opportunity to have fun and share the Welsh language – in the shop, leisure centre, at work and with friends.

To celebrate the day, have a go at using some Welsh phrases with members of your family. How about teaching your parents or your friends some new phrases? There are some examples below to help you. Share your work with us on Twitter or on Seesaw

Cofiwch i ddarllen eich llyfyr darllen. Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Remember to read your book. Enjoy the weekend!