

Sillafu / Spelling:

Words within words:

How many words can you create from the following words?

kindness / happiness / loveliness


Can you spell out one of the above words using odd socks?

Remember to share your photos with us on the school's Twitter account: @ygcwmbran

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyfrifo canrannau / Calculating percentages:


1) 10% o £600 =

2) 5% o £600 =

3) 15% o £600 =

4) 20% o £600 =

5) 1% o o £600 =

6) 6% o £600 =

5) 25% o £600 =

6) 30% o £600 =


1) 10% o £80 =

2) 5% o £80 =

3) 15% o £80 =

4) 20% o £80 =

5) 1% o £80 =

6) 6% o £80 =

5) 25% o £80 =

6) 30% o £80 =

Darllen / Reading:

#Antibullyingweek: One kind word

This week in class we have been looking at kindness and how one kind word can make a big difference to somebody else's day.

Listen to the official #antibullyingweek song 'One kind word' by Andy and the Odd Socks.

Read the lyrics for the song. What are 3 of the key messages / themes of the song?

All You Need - Andy and the Odd Socks - Lyrics Sheet.pdf

Mwynhewch y penwythnos! / Enjoy the weekend!