Helpu eich plentyn Helping your child

Ymarfer a phrofi anffurfiol yw'r ffordd gorau i ddysgu mathemateg. Ymarferwch gyda'ch plentyn a phrofwch nhw ar beth maen nhw'n gallu adalw. Er enghraifft, bondiau rhif ("Sut wyt ti'n creu'r rhif 10?"), ffeithiau lluosi a rhannu ("Beth yw 7 x 5? Beth yw hanner 32?") neu ddarllen yr amser, i enwi ychydig. Trwy adolygu a phrofi, bydd eich plentyn yn cryfhau eu dealltwriaeth, adeiladu eu hyder a'u helpu nhw i baratoi ar gyfer dysgu yn y dyfodol.

Practice and informal testing is the best way to learn mathematics. Practice with your child and then test them on what they can recall. For example, number bonds ("How do you make the number 10?), multiplication and division facts ("What is 7 x 5? What is half of 32?") or telling the time, to name a few. Through revision and testing, your child will strengthen their understanding, building their confidence and helping them prepare for future learning.

Ar gyfer gwersi mathemateg, mae gan eich plentyn 1 llyfr mathemateg. Ar ddechrau bob gwers, mae disgyblion yn ymarfer eu sgiliau sylfaenol - adalw, ymarfer a chyfnerthu dysgu blaenorol. Ar ol mynd dros y dasg a'r atebion, bydd y prif ddysgu o'r wers yn dilyn. Bydd popeth yn cael ei gwblhau neu gludo yn eu llyfrau, ac mewn rhai dosbarthiadau, bydd rhai gwaith yn cael ei gwblhau mewn llyfrynau ac wedi cael eu cadw mewn ffolder. Byddwn ni'n disgwyl bod disgyblion yn cadw eu llyfrau a nodiadau gyda nhw, felly os gwelwch yn dda, cymerwch yr amser i edrych dros y gwaith gyda'ch plentyn. Ymarfer a phrofi anffurfiol yw'r ffordd gorau i ddysgu mathemateg, felly lle mae'n bosib, ymarferwch gyda'ch plentyn a phrofwch nhw ar beth maen nhw'n gallu adalw, neu annogwch nhw i ddatblygu arferion astudio unigol da ar gyfer eu hunain. Os rydych chi'n sylwi bod eich plentyn yn cael anhawster ac angen help ychwanegol, cysylltwch gyda'i athro mathemateg trwy'r cyfeiriadau ebyst sydd ar gael ar dudalen gyntaf yr hafan.

For Maths lessons, your child has 1 maths books. At the start of every lesson, pupils practise their basic skills - recalling, practising and consolidating previous learning. After going over the task and the answers, the main learning of the lesson will follow. Everything will be completed or glued into their books, and in some classes, some work will be completed in booklets and kept in a folder. We expect pupils to keep their books and notes with them, so please take the time to look over them with your child. Practice and informal testing is the best way to learn maths, so where possible, practise with your child and then quiz them on what they can recall, or encourage them to develop this good self-study habit for themselves. If at any time you find that your child is struggling and needs some extra help, please contact their class teacher via the email addresses provided on the home page.

Er mwyn gwella y profiad dysgu eich plentyn, byddwn ni'n cymryd mantais llawn o gyfleoedd dysgu digidol, ac byddwn ni'n parhau defnyddio Microsoft Teams ac OneNote i gysylltu gyda, a chydlynu gwaith y dosbarth. Byddwn ni'n defnyddio Teams i rannu'r Class Notebook electronig yn ogystal ag adnoddau dysgu defnyddiol eraill. Felly, cefnogwch eich plentyn i lawrlwytho'r apiau Microsoft - Teams ac OneNote - i'r dyfeisiau personol, sicrhau maen nhw'n adio eu cyfrif Hwb ysgol er mwyn i'r apiau weithio'n iawn. Bydd eich plentyn yn cael y cyfle i ddefnyddio ei ddyfeisiau personol yn ystod gwersi mathemateg lle mae'n bwrpasol.

To enhance your child's learning experience, we will be taking full advantage of digital learning opportunities, and will continue to use Microsoft Teams and OneNote to connect with, and coordinate the work of, the class. We will use Teams to share the electronic Class Notebook as well as other useful learning resources. So, please support your child in downloading the Microsoft apps - Teams and OneNote - to their personal devices, making sure they add their school Hwb account in order for these apps to work properly. Your child will have the opportunity to use their personal devices during maths lessons where appropriate.

Ym mhob cyfnod tri wythnos, bydd 2 asesiad ar-lein yn cael eu cwblhau gan y disgyblion (ar iPads yr Adran). Bydd eich plentyn yn derbyn adborth personol ar sail ei berfformiad, amlygu eu cryfderau unigol a meysydd i wella. Byddwch chi'n ffeindio sticeri adborth yn eu llyfrau gwaith yn ogystal â derbyn ebyst rheoliadd i'ch diweddaru. Os gwelwch yn dda, cefnogwch eich plentyn gan fynd dros yr adborth yma gyda'ch plentyn.

In every three week period, there will be two online class assessments that will be completed by the pupils (on the departmental iPads). Your child will receive personal feedback on their performance, highlighting their individual strengths and areas for improvement. You will find feedback stickers in their work books as well as receive regular email updates during the year. Please support your child by going over this feedback with your child.

Yn olaf, cysyllwch â fi neu'r athro eich plentyn trwy ebost, os ydych chi angen unrhyw help neu gymorth.

Finally, please feel free to contact myself or your child's maths teacher via email if you need any help or support.