Tablau Times Tables

Disgwyliadau Cenedlaethol National Expectations

Yng Nhgymru, mae disgwyl i ddisgyblion wybod, adalw a defnyddio'r tablau 2,3,4,5 a 10 erbyn diwedd blwyddyn 3 (8 oed), ac i allu adalw tablau hyd at 10 x 10 erbyn diwedd blwyddyn 6 (11 oed). In Wales, the expectation is that pupils should know, recall and use the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of Year 3 (age 8), and then should be able to recall the times table facts up to 10 x 10 by the end of Year 6 (age 11).

Yn ddiddorol, mae'r disgwyliad yn Lloegr yn uwch, sef dylai disgyblion fod yn gallu adalw'r ffeithiau tablau hyd at 12 x 12 erbyn diwedd blwyddyn 4 (9 oed). Interestingly, the expectation in England is higher, such that pupils should be able to recall the times tables facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4 (age 9).

Sut ydw i'n gallu helpu fy mhlentyn i ddysgu eu tablau? How can I help my child to learn their times tables?

Mae yna nifer o ffyrdd i helpu eich plentyn. Dyma cysylltiad i erthygl gyda rhai o syniadau da iawn:

There are a number of ways to help your child. Here's a link to an article with some very good ideas:

Times Tables Matter - Multiplication Mastery And Importance (