
On school days …………be in school! Good attendance is:

  • essential for you to learn

  • rewarded with certificate and prizes each termrge

To avoid disruption to pupils’ education, the decision has been taken by ERW, our regional education consortium, that no absences due to holidays during term times will be authorised by Headteachers. This means that absences which are due to pupils being taken on holiday during term time will be recorded as unauthorised.


YOUR PARENTS should telephone school

BEFORE 9.30a.m. OR the school will telephone them. The telephone number is 01554 832507

On return:

BRING A NOTE to explain WHY you have been away or a message signed by your parents in your Planner.

Why attendance matters:

  • Most employers expect a minimum 95% attendance record from their employees and an employment record of less than 90% in many sectors would lead to dismissal.

  • For the above reason, our school target is over 95% attendance for all our pupils.

  • One day off per school year means that a pupil has about 99.5% attendance.

  • Ten days off per school year means that a pupil has about 95% attendance.

  • Twenty days off per school year means that a pupil has about 90% attendance.

  • 90% attendance means 4 whole weeks off school per year.

  • 90% attendance in Years 7 – 11 means a year off school.

  • 17 days off school every year means that you will probably obtain a whole grade lower in your exams than you are really capable of.

If a pupil is unwell/ill in school they must ask their class teacher permission to leave class / go to reception. Reception will then contact parents. On occasion reception might contact the Head of Pupil Progress before contacting parents. Pupils should not contact parents directly and must keep school staff informed.