Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is founded in Scripture and includes statements and letters written by Church leaders. It offers wisdom and insights on living the Gospel in today’s world. Jesus tells us to love God and to love our neighbours, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. 

Human Dignity

As our first Catholic Social Teaching principle, we have been learning about Human Dignity with Luc the Deer. 

Each of us is made in God’s image. Every person has an innate human dignity that no one can take away. 

Preferential Option for the Poor

For our second Catholic Social Teaching principle, we have been learning about Preferential Option for the Poor with Poppy the Popokotea

A preferential option for the poor means that we think first about the needs of those who are the most vulnerable.  Jesus taught that when we feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, look after the sick and visit those imprisoned, we are looking after Him.

Face Equality

As part of our topic we considered people who have visible differences and pupils decided to raise money for Face Equality

In partnership with our Parish Church we have chosen to support our local foodbank