Iechyd a Lles

Arolwg Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing Survey

Schools Healthy Network Reseach Letter to parents_Llythyr i rieni.docx

Gwybodaeth am gynnwys gwersi Iechyd a Lles / Information about y Health and Wellbeing lessons' content

Bydd gwersi iechyd a lles yn ffocysu ar rannu gwybodaeth, codi ymwybyddiaeth am faterion byd-eang a thrafod emosiynau a sut i ymdopi gyda sefyllfaoedd gwahanol. Byddwn felly yn canolbwyntio ar asesu er mwyn adnabod pryderon am unigolion yn hytrach na mesur cynnydd. Bydd cynnydd yn cael ei fesur o fewn gwersi Addysg Gorfforol. O Fedi 2023 bydd yr ysgol yn dilyn rhaglen Jigsaw (gweler fanylion isod).

Health and well-being lessons will focus on sharing information, raising awareness of world issues and discussing emotions and how to cope with different situations. We will therefore concentrate on assessing in order to recognise concerns about individuals rather than measuring progress. Progress will be measured within Physical Education lessons. From September 2023 the school will be following the Jigsaw programme (see details below.)

Oedran cynradd / Primary age Oedran uwchradd / Secondary age

Neges Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb.pdf
What’s changing with relationships and sexuality education (RSE)_ information for schools, settings, parents and carers.pdf